£40,000 +VAT
The sponsorship benefits for the headline sponsor go further than just the awards ceremony – branding opportunities will commence immediately with your name included in all press releases and your logo added to all awards ceremony marketing collateral:
- 2 tables (20 guest places) at the awards ceremony.
- 4 Invites to the Pre Awards reception.
- Speaking slot for a representative at the awards ceremony
- Your company branding on the awards webpages
- Inclusion in the awards social media programme
- A bespoke PR programme for headline sponsorship
- Photoshoot opportunities with finalists
- Headline sponsor status for your company branding on stage
- Headline sponsor status for your company branding on all photoshoot backdrop boards
- Headline sponsor status for your company branding associated with other award sponsors
- Double page feature in the awards programme
- Headline sponsor status for your company branding on guest tickets.
- Branding on all 600 guest name badges
- 600 copies of the menu programme distributed at the awards ceremony
- Digital PDF version of the menu programme distributed to media contacts and industry stakeholders
- A dedicated e shot to be sent to all industry partners promoting your involvement
£8,000 + VAT
This consortium is to sponsor the Takeaway of the Year category
- 10 Guest places (one table) at the awards ceremony
- 2 invites to the Pre Awards reception
- Your company branding on the awards webpages alongside all Award sponsors
- Inclusion in the awards social media programme
- Regional photoshoot opportunities with finalists
- Your company branding on all photoshoot backdrop boards alongside all Award sponsors
- Your company branding in awards programme alongside all Award sponsors
- Inclusion in the PR programme for the awards
- Company biographies in the ceremony programme
£10,000 + VAT
This consortium is to sponsor the Takeaway of the Year category
- A table (10 guest places) to host your six award category finalists at the awards ceremony
- 2 invites to the Pre Award reception
- Your company branding on the awards webpage
- Inclusion in the awards social media programme
- Your company name used in all PR activity regarding your sponsorship category
- Finalist photoshoot opportunities at the awards event
- Your company branding on stage
- Your company branding associated with other award sponsors
- Your company branding and biography in awards programme
Award Categories for 2022
Fish & Chip Takeaway of the Year Award (CONSORTIUM)
Fish & Chip Restaurant of the Year Award £12,000
Staff Training & Development Award £10,000
From Field to Frier Award £12,000
Sustainability & Good Environmental Practice Award £10,000
Supplier of the Year £12,000
Further categories will be released at a later date
£6,000 + VAT
Opportunity to sponsor the welcome drinks / beverages provided at the awards ceremony for 600 guests. There is also an opportunity to supply beverage product for a reduced sponsorship fee.
- 4 guest places at the awards ceremony
- 2 invites to the Pre Awards Reception
- Your company branding on awards programme and webpages
- Opportunity to provide product POS, corporate branding and hospitality at the welcome drinks
£10,000 + VAT
Opportunity to sponsor the table wines / beverages at the awards ceremony for 600 guests. There is also an opportunity to supply beverage products for a reduced sponsorship fee.
- 10 guest places at the awards ceremony
- 2 Invites to the Pre Awards reception
- Your company branding on awards programme and webpages
- Opportunity to provide product POS, corporate branding and hospitality at the Awards Luncheon
- Pop-up stand in reception
- 2 guest places at the award ceremony
- Opportunity to supply product POS, corporate branding and hospitality at the welcome drinks
- Information / products to be included in the goodie bag
- 2 guest places at the award ceremony
- Your logo on the Twitter wall
- Your branding on the awards program
This event will be an invitation only event held in the Speaker’s State Rooms in the Palace of Westminster for around 100 dignitaries.
- 4 guest places at the award ceremony
- Your company or branding on all official invites
- A 16-page digital brochure listing all finalist businesses and overall award category
- An opportunity to have a full-page advert within the brochure as a sponsor.
- 2 guest places at the awards ceremony.
- Your company branding on awards programme and webpages.
- Digital PDF version distributed to all finalists, media contacts and industry stakeholders.